ANZAC Centenary 2014-2018: Sharing Victoria's Stories

Read WWI Stories

WWI Stories – David Scoggins


Jan Sproull shares the story of her grandfather, David Scoggins who departed from Port Melbourne in the First Convoy aboard the HMAT Hororata.

David (WW1)David enlisted on 19 August 1914 in the 6th Battalion and received the regimental number 6. He left behind a wife and two children, and was not able to say goodbye when the ship left. He served in Egypt, Gallipoli and on the Western Front, and was wounded in action twice. He was discharged on 10 December 1918. His rank on enlistment was Transport Sergeant, and was appointed CSM in the field in 1916.

My grandfather died when I was 9 years old. He was very deaf from the shelling, and was difficult to talk to. I feel very proud to be descended from an ANZAC veteran.

Embarkation Record



Farewell Letter - Copy